The history of Phoenix Close Fletton Ltd

Initially formed in 2008 and under the direction of Belgravia Block Management, the primary purpose of Phoenix Close Fletton Ltd (PCFL) was, in the simplest of terms, to set in place a process for collecting annual charges levied on homeowners that would be used to maintain the communal areas that comprise our neighbourhood, thereby protecting all our real estate investments. Those areas include the road itself as well as the grassed areas. The main reason for this is that Phoenix Close is an un-adopted road and, therefore, Peterborough City Council have no responsibility for its upkeep and no liability for any other issues arising such as, for example, fly tipping or illegal parking. Therefore, the Deeds of all properties in Phoenix Close and the 3 properties on the High St that adjoin – 37, 39 and 41 - all include Covenants setting out the joint liabilities and responsibilities of homeowners. The Deeds for 31, 33 and 35 High St also include reference and grant restricted rights of access and use.

Phoenix Close Fletton Limited - April 2021

Under the previous management, it is our belief that PCFL was not always as transparent as it should have been in its dealings with home owners. This led to disputes and non-payment of annual charges meaning that this time last year there were still a number of properties with outstanding arrears totalling in the region of £3500. Thus, when Belgravia Block Management decided, some 3 years ago, that we were not a profitable enterprise and gave up the running of PCFL, we were left to fend for ourselves. Clearly, it took us a while to come to terms with the task before us, particularly as we had neither experience of nor expertise in running a 'business’, but after lots of research into the history of Phoenix Close we concluded that the only way to get things back on track and ensure that our investments really do have a degree of protection was to be completely open and to set out the exact terms under which we now operate PCFL. So that’s what we did last year in the hope that we would avoid any future disputes and perhaps even recover the outstanding arrears, which of course will be to the benefit of all owners and residents.

To reiterate, PCFL is not a commercial property management company trying to make a profit but merely a group of homeowners taking on the (agreed) responsibilities  of being a Phoenix Close property owner.  As a homeowner you are automatically a member PCFL and you also have the right, and are encouraged, to become a Director. We would like PCFL to run very much like a Homeowners Association - which is why we have put that phrase on the opening page of the website - where we each play our part to look after our community and communal areas. We welcome your ideas on how this might be achieved.

Property owner and resident responsibilities

Accounts and annual charges for 05/04/20 to 04/04/21

We have (set up) a business bank account with Lloyds Bank and we have purchased a new business address which you will find on the ‘contact us’ page. Both of these are legal requirements. We have also maintained and subsequently renewed our liability insurance (also a legal requirement, but at a lower annual premium than we paid when Belgravia was in charge). Our current bank balance stands at just £3116.99 but there are over £1400 in Service Charge arrears from this past year.

So, as a homeowner, we urge you to please refer to the Covenants stated in your Deeds of Ownership in order to remind and assure yourself of your agreed-to responsibility with regard to the upkeep of Phoenix Close. You will see that you are committed to

Paying an equal share of annual fees to ensure that all insurance and legal activities associated with Phoenix Close Fletton Ltd are paid. These include: Public Liability Insurance, Companies House Confirmation fees and registered address fees; filing annual accounts; and maintaining a ‘sinking fund’ to ensure that there are sufficient monies available to, for example, effect maintenance and/or repair to the road or deal with water/drainage works. 

The final point is particularly relevant to ensure that our investments are protected and I'm sure we all recognise that a bank balance of just £3000 won't get very far at all! As mentioned, last time, we were owed around £3500 but this sum has proven far too difficult to recover, particularly as much of it pre-dates PCFL in its current form, and so we will just focus on this past year.  We intend to make enquiries with HM Land Registry so that we can be sure that if you are the owner of one of the properties in arrears we will be able to contact you separately to discuss this. Furthermore, for all home owners, please be aware that whenever you decide to sell, your buyer’s solicitor will contact PCFL to request a Management Pack in order to progress the sale to completion. Without this, your solicitor cannot proceed as the requirement to obtain the Management Pack is also included within your Deeds. In the past, Belgravia Block Management charged £95 for this service but we will provide this for free as long as there are no arrears on your account.  But do please note that arrears will need to be cleared either personally or by your solicitor before PCFL will issue the Management Pack to your buyer.

At this time we are asking that you please submit £180 by direct transfer to the PCFL bank account, details given below, at your earliest convenience, but certainly before the end of April. If you would prefer you may set up a monthly Direct Debit for £15, payable on or before the 10th of each month. You can use e-mail address on the next page to let us know that you have paid/set up a monthly DD and all payments will be acknowledged and a receipt issued (if requested).

Lloyds Bank Business Account
Phoenix Close Fletton Ltd
Sort code: 30-84-84
Account number: 23879168

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